At Selenne Cigars Inc., we believe that a fine cigar is more than just a product—it’s an experience. Founded with a deep passion for the art of cigar-making, our journey began with the simple idea of bringing the highest quality cigars to discerning smokers who appreciate both tradition and innovation.
Our cigars are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, using only the finest tobacco leaves from regions known for their excellence. Among our most prized offerings is the Dragon Blend, a carefully curated cigar featuring a rich, flavorful Maduro wrapper from San Andres, Mexico. This unique combination of tobacco leaves delivers a bold, complex smoking experience that’s as distinct as it is satisfying.
Small but Mighty: Quality Over Quantity
What sets Selenne Cigars apart from the rest? As a boutique brand, we don’t chase large-scale production like the bigger names in the industry. Instead, we focus on small-batch production where quality takes precedence over quantity. Each cigar that leaves our hands has been inspected for perfection, ensuring that you experience the smooth draw, balanced flavor, and fine craftsmanship that make our cigars stand out.
We use the same premium tobacco as the larger cigar companies, but our size allows us to pay closer attention to every detail—because for us, it’s about creating the best possible experience for our customers, not simply producing more cigars. It’s this dedication that keeps our customers coming back, knowing that with every cigar they light, they’re savoring a product made with passion, pride, and precision.
A Personal Touch
Our founder, Antonio Washington, has always believed in the power of relationships. From his experience working in management and customer service, he brings a personal touch to every interaction. At Selenne Cigars, we’re more than just a business—we’re a community of cigar lovers who appreciate the finer things in life. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or just beginning your journey, we welcome you to share in the Selenne experience.
From The Dominican Republic to the USA and Beyond
Originally established in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, Selenne Cigars has expanded to United States, and it's now operating in Tampa Florida, a city known for its rich cigar-making heritage. As we grow, our commitment to quality remains unwavering. While our immediate focus is the United States, our vision is global. We are continuously expanding our reach to bring Selenne Cigars to cigar enthusiasts around the world.
Join Us on the Journey
At Selenne Cigars, we’re not just in the business of making cigars—we’re in the business of creating lasting moments of enjoyment. From the moment you cut the cap to the last smooth draw, we invite you to experience the craftsmanship, dedication, and passion that defines every Selenne cigar.
Welcome to Selenne Cigars, where luxury meets tradition, and every puff tells a story.